Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Measels, Rubella, Roseola, Rash

Well, it's been quite a week.  The Monday after Thanksgiving, Josiah had a little bit of a stomach bug.  Let's just say we were changing LOTS of diapers! Frown  He was fine for a couple of days, then he started running a fever.  We saw that he had two new molars coming in, so we didn't think anything about it.  His fever went away and then a couple of days later, he broke out in a rash.  I took him to Immediate Care on Saturday and the doctor there said he had measels--period.  He told me that I needed to stay away from him because of being pregnant.  Chris was at a youth function, so I called him crying.  Being the wonderful husband that he is, he left immediately to come him to care for Josiah.  At this point there was nothing we could do.  We called my doctor's office and talked with the doctor on call.  She confirmed that I shouldn't be around Josiah.  Chris and I started reading in our baby books and on-line about measels.  Everything we read, didn't line up with the symptoms he had.  When we were reading, there was a possibility that it could be rubella.  Still putting me at risk.   Monday morning came around, and we called Josiah's ped and my doctor.  We were both seen that day.  After taking Josiah to the ped, they said that worse case scenerio, he had roseola--at this point his rash was gone, so they could only base it on what we told them.  They said with the quickness of the rash going away, they felt it was probably a rash that was cased by the viral infection he had.  I went to the doctor that afternoon and told them what Josiah's ped had said.  They said that if he had roseola or a rash, then there was no risk for me.  They just told me to give them a call if I started a fever or got any sign of a rash.  Well, that afternoon when Josiah got up from his nap---he was sleeping by the time I got home--I was ready to give him a BIG hug!  While we weren't allowed to be around each other, I was able to get a lot of things done for Sophie.  I finished getting the items we needed for her.  I made the curtains for her room.  I was able to wrap Christmas presents, finish Christmas shopping, etc.  It wasn't fun not being able to cuddle with Josiah and it broke my heart when he saw me and wanted me to pick him up and  I wasn't able. 

Well, the Greenwoods are all healthy again, and we are getting ready to celebrate our Savior's birth in just a few more days.  Our family will be coming into town on Tuesday.  Originally they weren't suppose to, but Chris' granddad has been put into a hospice center.  He is expected to live anywhere from two days to two weeks.  We've had a trying couple of weeks with finding out the news of Chris' granddad, Josiah's sickness and finding out one of my friends from NC who was due 3 days before me died from a stroke.  We are praising the LORD that her son, Ymir, is fine.  We have deep sympathy for the fact that he will never be embraced by his mother.  Even though we've had these trials, we still praise the fact that God loves us enough to have sent His son.  We have peace in the fact that He knows EXACTLY how we feel when we are shaken by death because He watched His son being tortured, die and then being separated from Him because of our sin that Jesus was carrying.  All I can say is, "God is Good."  Even if we don't see the good in the situation at hand, we trust in the fact that there is a reason for these situations to bring Him glory.

We pray that everyone's CHRISTmas season is going well.  That you are remembering the real reason for CHRISTmas--the birth of our Savior!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

15 month check-up

Yesterday, we went to Josiah's 15 month check up.  As many of you know the doctor visits have become not such a fun thing for me because of his whole weight issue.  Well, the appointment went GREAT!  He actually went above the 10th%!  He now weighs a whopping 21 1/2 lbs and is 32 1/2 inches long.  Can we say he is definitely a Greenwood?  Smile  He did get three shots yesterday and should be good for quite a few months.  He is running a little bit of a fever today, but he is still in a great mood.  He did his best yesterday with his shots--he cried for a few seconds and then gave the nurse a great big smile.  He was definitely hamming it up for all the nurses, doctors and the other patients. 

He continues to grow so fast before our eyes.  This week, he has learned to sign "please"; "all done" and "thank you."  It has taken us FOREVER to get him to learn just one, but has picked up three in a week.  He is also doing really well with "Your Baby Can Read."  He started his 3rd video this week.  It's amazing that he knows the words "giraffe", "point", "wave", "diaper", "ear", "elephant", "arms up", "cats", "eyes", "smiling", "rattle", "clap", "tiger", "mouth", "dog", "tongue", and "nose".  He can say just a few of those words, but he mostly makes the sounds or does the signs we have taught him.  It's amazing how much of a sponge he is and how quickly he picks up on what we show him.  He is really doing well with his walking.  The last couple of days he has gotten a little independent and doesn't want to hold my hand when we go for a little walk. 


We are in full swing with packing.  We have a week before we move into our new place.  Chris is going to do a little moving here and there throughout the week.  On Thursday, I will spend a couple of hours getting the kitchen set up.  Then Saturday will be the big day of moving furniture.  We will post some pictures as soon as we get somewhat settled.  Like we have said before, any time you want to visit the DC area, please let us know.  We have plenty of space, it's free and we're pretty close to the city.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Growing up before our eyes

Well, Josiah has been growing leaps and bounds this week.  On Thursday, we were playing on the living room floor.  He was standing up across the room from me and decided he was going to walk on his own.  He comes walking towards me and stops to get a hug and then continues on  his way around the living room.  Since then, he has been walking non-stop.  I called Chris at work to tell him--it was nice to not have to wait until he was doing teaching class!  I told Chris that I was so proud of our little boy for walking on his own.  Chris' response was he would ask me in a month if I still felt the same way!  Smile  This week, we also started him on the toddler food, and he has been doing a great job with it.  He isn't spitting out every bite like he did before.  He has also started talking more.  Some of his new words are: "cat", "glasses", "cracker", "bath", "I got it."  We are obviously very proud of him.  He can shake his head no when we ask him something and he doesn't want it.  He shakes his head no and has a smile on his face if he does want it.  He has started learning a few animal sounds.  Mommy has gotten creative on a few sounds, but Josiah has picked them up.  Some sounds that he makes are: a giraffe, tiger, zebra and dog.  He has started pointing where his nose, mouth and ears are.  Every once and awhile he will point to his toes.  So as you can see, our little boy is growing up before our eyes!

Friday, August 28, 2009

14 months

Where has the time gone?  I can't believe that Josiah is already 14 months!  He continues to be the joy of our lives.  We had a rough patch when we were in GA with sleeping, but we have gotten him back on his schedule.  He would scream each night I put him down.  My mom told me that my grandfather (who was a doctor) said a baby would never cry over 59 minutes.  Well, Josiah blew that out of the water!  The first night home, he screamed when we put him down.  I was so thankful that Chris was here to help out.  Since then, he has been fine and goes right down.  I guess he just likes having his own bed or maybe it is having his Daddy around. 

We took a trip to the Frying Pan Farm on Wednesday, and Josiah absolutely LOVED it!  He loved seeing all the animals and hearing the sounds they made.  He even loved riding on the tractor.  When Chris took him off, he started crying.

He is eating much better now.  We no longer have to give him crackers, cheerios or bread in between his bites.  He still wants the smooth stuff, but I've been adding chunks of veggies and fruits.  A couple of days ago, I started adding chicken chunks, and he seems to be doing well with that.  He has mastered drinking out of a straw, but still has a sippy cup when he drinks his milk before nap/bed time.

Chris finishes his last day of teaching today.  He is very excited about that.  Next Sunday, the church will be voting to make him full time.  He will continue with what he is doing now and will add the youth position.  We are very thankful for this move to full time ministry because we all know part-time jobs aren't part-time.  We will begin looking at places closer to the church and hope to be moved by the beginning of October.  God has truly blessed the Greenwoods, and we are so thankful.  We know that ministering to the youth will require him to be gone some nights out of the week, but with not teaching it gives him the flexibility to come rescue Mommy during lunch if she needs it once the baby is here.

Hope everyone is doing well.  Come back next week and look at G2's website to see pictures and to find out what we are having!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Weight Check

We went back to the doctor for a weight check, and Josiah has gained some weight.  He is now 20 pounds and back in the 10th percentile!  So there will be no tests--Praise the Lord!  I'm so glad that we didn't have to make that decision.  In our hearts, we feel like nothing is wrong, but you can't ignore the "what if" that lingers in the back of your mind.  We have changed how he eats.  Instead of doing complete table food, we have add chunks of food to his baby food.  This seems to be working, and he is eating pretty well.  We will continue to try to transition him to food, but we have gotten it out of our mind that he HAS to eat table food.  He has done everything else in his own timing so why would this be any different? 

We go tomorrow to have a check-up for Baby G2.  I always get a little anxious because I am always worried that we might not hear a heartbeat.  I guess I will be worrying about this baby for the rest of my life along with Josiah, so why not start now?  Smile  We will post an update tomorrow on how that appointment goes, so come back for another visit.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

12 month check-up

Well, we went to the doctor today for his 12 month check-up to find out that Josiah has dropped down to the 5th% in his weight.  That means we go back in another 6 weeks to have a weight check.  It is hard to not get frustrated.  We have been trying to transistion him to table food, but he isn't very into it.  He will eat for so long and when he decides that he is done, then he is done.  The doctor said that depending on where he is in 6 weeks, they might do some bloodwork to make sure his thyroid is fine and some other tests.  I'm trying to not get down about it and hoping that adding whole milk and some other foods he couldn't eat because he wasn't a year yet will help him.  Please continue to pray that he will gain weight between now and then.  Other than his weight, the doctor is very happy with how he is doing.  He is just shy of 32" for his height, so you can see that he is a VERY tall boy! 

We'll keep you posted on how he is doing.  Thanks ahead of time for the prayers.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

1st Birthday

Well, we have finally recovered from Josiah's first birthday!  We had a great time with the friends and family who came to celebrate Josiah's first year of life.  We had quite a few people from the church come who have been very special to our family since we've moved here.  My mom and Tayler also stopped on their way back from VT to spend a couple of days with us. 

Josiah had a farm animal party with cows, pigs, roosters, etc.  We even managed to bring out a few of his John Deere decorations.  My mom, Tayler and I made his mini-cake along with some cupcakes for everyone else.  He got lots of fun and NOISY toys that he is absolutely loving!  He told us before his birthday that he wished to get some toys that were more for his age since he wasn't going to be a baby anymore.  Well, I think he got his wish.

As Chris and I reflect over the last year, we realize how blessed we are to have Josiah in our lives.  We are so honored to have him as our son.  Our prayer is that we will foster his characteristics in such a way that he will bring honor and glory to our Father in heaven.  It's been amazing to watch his personality develop over the last year.  He really is a happy boy that brings much joy and laughter to our family.  I told Chris the other night if all of our children could be like him, I'd have 10 kids!  : )  But I know that there is only one of him and for that I am grateful. Well, Daddy is going to take a moment to reflect, so I'm going to sign off.  We thank you again for ALL the prayers that have been lifted up on our behalf.  Please come back in a few days to look at his birthday pictures (waiting for a CD to come---Photography Mommy was busy being a hostess, so Mimi took the pictures for us).

Hello all,

I never knew that having a son would be so much fun. This last year has been very challenging, but I wouldn't trade it for all the riches of the world...or sleep. Seeing his face light up when I come home from work is the best gift I could ever receive and I get it every day.  Sara does such a good job keeping up with him every day and somehow manages to take care of herself and the unexpected blessing yet to come. We are blessed to have all our needs met and every now and then get some of our wants too. We are trying to figure out how to make our cars into Transformers so we can join them together and form a Mini-van. If you have any tips please let me know. We can't thank you enough for the encouraging notes, e-mails, and phone calls over the last year. They mean a tremendous amount to us both. I hope you have a great rest of the week, and may God bless you richly with His grace.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

11 months

Well, Josiah is officially 11 months.  I can't believe he will be turning one in just a month.  We took him to the doctor yesterday because he got his first cold and was going on day 17.  We weren't concerned about him having a cold until he started getting a nasty cough whenever we laid him down and he was grabbing his ears.  I guess Chris had some problems with his ears when he was younger, so Chris is sensitive to Josiah's ears.  The doctor checked him out.  His ears were clear and his lungs sounded fine.  She told us to run a shower and let him sit in the steam before he goes to bed.  She also told us to elevate his mattress and to suction his nose out really good throughout the day.  I told her that I had been suctioning his nose so much that each time I bring him to the changing table he starts to cry.  I thought about suctioning his nose in places that he shouldn't be---near the CD rack, the wires he is trying to chew, the Shark sweeper---but decided against it.  That would be the easy way to discipline!  Smile

Let's see what else is going on with Josiah....Last night after Josiah had gone to bed, he started crying--not normal for him.  Chris went to get him and all of a sudden I heard on the monitor, "Mommy, come here.  Quick!"  I got a little panicked thinking there was something wrong with him.  When I got in there, Josiah was sitting up in his crib.  He figured out how to sit up from lying down.  He has done it 2 more times since then.  Josiah has also started saying, "Momma!" and is working on "Dadda."  He will say the "d" sound every once in awhile, but hasn't consistently put the "a" sound with it.  He is also working on signing the word "dog."  He will do it when we do it, but hasn't done it on his own yet.  He is standing up more and more.  Chris got Josiah to pull himself up on one of his toys the other day. Josiah likes to drop himself in your lap when he is standing up and you are sitting behind him.  He will laugh and laugh when he does this.  He still favors the army crawl, but is crawling on all fours a little more.  He has also taken a few steps when we walk with him.

Chris and I are doing well.  We will be heading to NC on June 10th for a week to see Papa T and Lin-Lin.  Josiah will also be meeting his great-grandparents and great-aunt from TN for the first time.  We are excited to take a four generation Potter picture.  Chris will have about 3 weeks off before he starts summer classes.  I was thinking of going to VT with my momto see my cousin and her new baby, but decided to stay in town and spend some time with Chris, while he has the time off.  Hopefully, we will find some neat places to go visit with Josiah.

We can't believe that Josiah has been in our life for almost a year.  We thank you for all the prayers that have been lifted up on his behalf.  Please, keep them coming because I have a feeling the fun is just beginning!

Monday, March 30, 2009

9 months

Well, Josiah is officially 9 months now!  He continues to grow each day.  He is learning so many new and exciting things. 

Josiah is sitting up really well now.  He is so sure of himself, he can now spin around on his bottom so he can get a toy that is behind him.  He has even started sitting up during his bath time.  Josiah realized that he could splash with his hands the other day.  We thought he could get some distance with his feet, but his hands are much better at making splashes!  The same night he figured out he could splash with his hands, he decided he wanted to put his face in the water.  I was trying to stop him because I knew he would swallow a mouth full of water and start coughing.  Daddy said that we should go ahead and let him to do it.  I didn't want to at first, but decided to let Josiah explore.  Sure enough, he did exactly what I thought he would do.  I thought all that coughing would make him not want to stick his face in the water again, but I was wrong!  He continued to put his face in the water and would come up screeching so happily.  We still believe we've got the next Michael Phelps (minus the drug use!) on our hands!  Josiah is able to balance on his hands and knees.  We've started putting a toy up in the air a little bit in front of him.  He is trying to crawl to get it.  He's still not interested in crawling on his own though.  He prefers to roll and is truly a master at it!  Mommy was daring the other day and got some paint out for Josiah to finger paint with.  I put him in the bath tub, so it would be easy clean up.  Josiah wasn't too fond of the paint, but we were able to get some nice pictures.

On Saturday, we will be taking our first airplane ride as a family.  We are going to GA for Chris' spring break.  I'm already preparing myself to receive some dirty looks and will try not to give any back myself---I guess that is the protective Mommy in me!  Say some prayers for us as we have an new adventure this weekend!

Well, I should get going.  I'm going to get the little one in his stroller and enjoy this beautiful weather!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Josiah's Baptism

Well, it's been a few days since all of our family has left, and I think Josiah has finally recovered from  being the center of attention!  We had a great time having our family here even though it dwindled on Friday.  Auntie Kate wasn't able to come because she had another sinus infection, which is eventually going to require some surgery.  Papa T and Lin-Lin weren't able to come either because Lin-Lin had a bad reaction to some medicine she was taking.  Papa "surprised" us by coming up for the weekend.  It accidentally slipped out that he was coming a couple of days before he got here.  He worked a couple of Wednesdays so he could be here.  Thanks Papa for giving up your golf time to be here! 

On Friday, Mimi, Josiah and I hung out and did some grocery shopping at Wegmans to get ready for the weeekend.  Before we went we tried putting Josiah on all fours, and he was able to balance for a little bit.  Granny and Papa Gig arrived Friday afternoon.  Josiah had a doctor appointment.  It looks like we are in the clear, and he has leveled off at the 10%.  The PA was sharing that there is another little boy she has as a patient who has done the same thing with his weight, but he isn't meeting any of the milestones, which is causing her some concern.  She said that since he is doing well as far as meeting his milestones, she feels like he is going to be tall and skinny.  That's what we tried to tell her two months ago!  I am thankful for her concern, and I am glad that we have her as our PA.  We hung out Friday night and ate some pizza.  Josiah was the center of attention and loved every minute of it.

On Saturday, we had some beautiful weather.  So nice that the sugar ants decided to pay the Greenwood family a visit.  Daddy was on that though, and he won the battle!  It was great to open up the windows and let some fresh air in along with the sunlight.  Papa arrived that morning, so we went to the airport to pick him up.  We all went to lunch at a Japanese Habachi Restaurant.  We weren't sure how Josiah would do with the flames.  He was memorized by them just like Daddy.  After lunch, we took Granny and Papa Gig to Wegmans so they could experience this awesome grocery store.  Then we just visited for the afternoon.  Mimi cooked a ham dinner that night, and we visited some more.

On Sunday, Josiah was batpized.  He was a very good boy.  A little wiggly, but very good.  His wiggles was making us a little nervous because our pastor just had hip replacement surgery a little over a week ago.  We didn't want Pastor Tom getting off balance and hurting himself.  We truly appreciate him coming to do the baptism.  Chris and I appreicate how Pastor Tom presented infant baptism--Chris and I making a covenant with God to raise Josiah in a Christian home by praying with and for him and by teaching him that Jesus is the only way to heaven.  We realize that Josiah is not saved, but we pray that one day he will realize his need for Jesus to be his savior.

On Monday, Daddy had to go back to work.  Josiah and I hung out with Mimi and Papa.  We went to the Manassas Battlefield Park and walked around for about an hour.  Then we got some lunch before we did some shopping.  Mimi and Papa bought Josiah his Easter outfit.  He looks like such a little man.  I feel bad for our daughter one day since we dress Josiah up so much!  Monday night was a little rough.  Josiah was up until 2am. We think his teeth were bothering him.  I had to be up at 5:30am to bring my parents to the airport.  Chris, Josiah and I were dragging most of the day, but we made it through by God's strength.

On Tuesday, my parents left early in the morning and that afternoon my aunt and uncle spent the night on their way back to Vermont.  We had a nice visit, and Josiah continued to love being the center of attention.  There are some pictures of Josiah meeting Kirby, and he absolutely loved th dog.  I have a feeling one day I am going to have LOTS of pressure from the two men in my life to get a dog.  Smile

On Wednesday, we didn't make it into the church until almost noon because Josiah was being such a sleepy head.  I guess all the company wore him out.  Yesterday, we didn't go to MOPS because again he took a two hour nap.  I think it was best for him to just take a couple of days to get himself back on track.  Yesterday was a big day for Josiah has he discovered how to pick up the Cheerios and put them in his mouth!  He gagged the first few times, but is doing a much better job!

We are really looking forward to this weekend.  We plan on going to the library and just spend some quiet time at home as a family.We hope you enjoy the pictures of Josiah.  I know there are a lot, but we've been pretty busy!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Almost 7 months

Well, we can't believe that Josiah is almost 7 months!  The last month has been full of new discoveries and lots of laughing! 

Josiah continues to do well with eating.  He has tried oatmeal, green beans, squash, peaches, pears bread and chicken.  He likes oatmeal in the morning with his fruit.  We have been giving him little crumbs of bread.  It makes us laugh each time he eats it because he gags.  He's not choking, it's just the fact that there is something in his mouth that isn't smooth or liquidy.  We gave him chicken for the first time.  Usually when we introduce a new food, he will pucker his face.  This time, he got the BIGGEST smile on his face!  He will hold his own sippy cup during the meals--when he is in the mood to do it that is! 

He has been the rolling machine around the house.  The other night when Chris and I were finishing up our dinner, we put Josiah on the floor.  He rolled himself all the way over to the fireplace to lay in front of the fire!  He did it with such speed that we were impressed.  The other day I was working in the office and Josiah started rolling.  I got up to go get him, but he had disappeared.  For a brief second I panicked, but then realized that he had to be here---unless the Raptured happened!  Laughing  Then all of a sudden, I saw this little hand coming out from under the bed.  Josiah had rolled himself under the bed and was so proud of himself!  Another day this week, he rolled over to the Kleenex box and started pulling the tissue out.  I think I should be very afraid!  He has figured out how to spin in his bouncy chair, which is good because he can now turn to the different activities he wants to do.   He likes to play peek-a-boo with his blanket.  He will put it over his face, and I'll ask, "Where's Josiah?"  He then pulls the blanket off his face and smiles at me!

He has gotten his second tooth--bottom/front/right.  His first tooth has gotten quite long.  Nursing still is going well as far as teeth are concerned--I'm so thankful for that!  Papa T said we can start brushing his teeth now.  Most of the time we end up brushing his tongue more than his teeth, but we try! 

Josiah continues to enjoy his walks.  We found a park in the neighborhood the other day.  It has an infant swing that Josiah LOVES!  He kept screeching (his new favorite sound!) while he was swinging!  I will take pictures the next time we go--hopefully, his eyes will be open.  His new thing is to close his eyes when I take pictures of him.  You wouldn't believe how many pictures I've taken to get one picture with his eyes open.  One day I was trying to take his weekly picture, and I counted over 20 pictures with his eyes closed! 

I've started working at the church as the Children's Director.  We go to the church every Wednesday for a few hours and then I spend the rest of the time working from the house.  Josiah does really well.  Mommy tries not to feel guilty about having him there so long.  When I'm at home, I am able to work when he is napping which is good so he doesn't have to entertain himself. 

Well, I guess I should go.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!