Yesterday, we went to Josiah's 15 month check up. As many of you know the doctor visits have become not such a fun thing for me because of his whole weight issue. Well, the appointment went GREAT! He actually went above the 10th%! He now weighs a whopping 21 1/2 lbs and is 32 1/2 inches long. Can we say he is definitely a Greenwood?
He continues to grow so fast before our eyes. This week, he has learned to sign "please"; "all done" and "thank you." It has taken us FOREVER to get him to learn just one, but has picked up three in a week. He is also doing really well with "Your Baby Can Read." He started his 3rd video this week. It's amazing that he knows the words "giraffe", "point", "wave", "diaper", "ear", "elephant", "arms up", "cats", "eyes", "smiling", "rattle", "clap", "tiger", "mouth", "dog", "tongue", and "nose". He can say just a few of those words, but he mostly makes the sounds or does the signs we have taught him. It's amazing how much of a sponge he is and how quickly he picks up on what we show him. He is really doing well with his walking. The last couple of days he has gotten a little independent and doesn't want to hold my hand when we go for a little walk.
We are in full swing with packing. We have a week before we move into our new place. Chris is going to do a little moving here and there throughout the week. On Thursday, I will spend a couple of hours getting the kitchen set up. Then Saturday will be the big day of moving furniture. We will post some pictures as soon as we get somewhat settled. Like we have said before, any time you want to visit the DC area, please let us know. We have plenty of space, it's free and we're pretty close to the city.
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