Monday, March 30, 2009

9 months

Well, Josiah is officially 9 months now!  He continues to grow each day.  He is learning so many new and exciting things. 

Josiah is sitting up really well now.  He is so sure of himself, he can now spin around on his bottom so he can get a toy that is behind him.  He has even started sitting up during his bath time.  Josiah realized that he could splash with his hands the other day.  We thought he could get some distance with his feet, but his hands are much better at making splashes!  The same night he figured out he could splash with his hands, he decided he wanted to put his face in the water.  I was trying to stop him because I knew he would swallow a mouth full of water and start coughing.  Daddy said that we should go ahead and let him to do it.  I didn't want to at first, but decided to let Josiah explore.  Sure enough, he did exactly what I thought he would do.  I thought all that coughing would make him not want to stick his face in the water again, but I was wrong!  He continued to put his face in the water and would come up screeching so happily.  We still believe we've got the next Michael Phelps (minus the drug use!) on our hands!  Josiah is able to balance on his hands and knees.  We've started putting a toy up in the air a little bit in front of him.  He is trying to crawl to get it.  He's still not interested in crawling on his own though.  He prefers to roll and is truly a master at it!  Mommy was daring the other day and got some paint out for Josiah to finger paint with.  I put him in the bath tub, so it would be easy clean up.  Josiah wasn't too fond of the paint, but we were able to get some nice pictures.

On Saturday, we will be taking our first airplane ride as a family.  We are going to GA for Chris' spring break.  I'm already preparing myself to receive some dirty looks and will try not to give any back myself---I guess that is the protective Mommy in me!  Say some prayers for us as we have an new adventure this weekend!

Well, I should get going.  I'm going to get the little one in his stroller and enjoy this beautiful weather!

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