Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Josiah Funny

Josiah funny: We were talking about the new baby and how there was a baby growing in my belly.  Josiah said he wanted a baby in his belly.  I explained to him that only girls can have babies in their bellies.  He thought about my comment for a few seconds and then responded with, “I need a wife.”  What a sweet and smart little man!  He is definitely excited about the new baby to say the least!  Chris then asked him if he wanted us to help him find a wife or if he wanted to do it on his own.  He told us he wanted to do it on his own.  Then Chris told him that there was someone who could help him.  Josiah wanted to know who.  Chris told him that God could help him find a wife.  Josiah thought about it and then said, "God and me will find a wife."  That is our prayer for him--that God is preparing a wife right now for him. 

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