Thursday, August 24, 2017

9 years old

WOW!  How is it possible that my oldest is 9 years old!?!?  I know that this year I am WAY late for posting pictures.  Part of it was because of crazy hot weather. Another part is because we have been busy enjoying summer.  And a small gets harder and harder to take these yearly pictures.  There is nothing like celebrating another birthday to say, "Hey, you only have a few more years to pour into me before I am out on my own!!"  

But thankful we had a lull in our schedule and the weather was pleasant and it was a good day emotionally for me to go capture this AMAZING boy!!

Josiah, we are so thankful who God is turning you into be.  This year has been the year of taking initiative and you are pressing into that.  You are understanding what it means to be responsible.  We are proud of you and how you are growing into the man God has made you to be.  We love you and are so thankful that God has chosen us to be your parents!

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