Yesterday, Josiah had his first basketball game. He was a little unsure about how things worked, but he didn't give up. I thought he did pretty well considering he has only played basketball twice in his life and that has been in the last two weeks for practice. One of our neighbors was getting rid of a basketball hoop, so Chris walked down the street and asked if we could have it. It needed a little love, but Chris was able to fix it. Now that we have the hoop, we will be able to go outside and practice some. I am so proud of him for trying something new. I am even prouder that he doesn't let his lack of skills stop him from trying. We have a saying around here, "Practice Makes Progress." We don't expect perfection from the Hooties. We encourage them to keep trying and making progress. Here are a few pictures from his first game. I love those long, skinny legs...they are just like his daddy! :)
Being introduced at this game |
Kyrie cheering Josiah on |
So focused |
He had one task...stay with the yellow banded boy...he took his task seriously! :) |
Again, we are so proud of you for trying something new. This is all part of the journey we are on...discovering what God has gifted you in. And know whatever we discover along the way, we will be your BIGGEST cheerleaders!