Where do I begin? It seems just like yesterday we were heading to the doctor office to confirm that we were pregnant with you...heading to our first OB appointment...having our ultrasound to find out if you were a boy or a girl...being showered with gifts...going to the OB once a week...heading to the hospital...FINALLY meeting you...heading home from the hospital.
We are so thankful for you and the boy that you is creating you to be. I just stand in awe as we learn how God has wired you...I can already see the things that you are passionate about...one being the love you have for people...I see it with your sisters, with Mommy and Daddy, with the youth group. I can only imagine how God is going to use that passion!!! I can't wait to see the young man you will be coming one day...but honestly, I'm not in too much of a hurry...I still enjoy those moments when you want to cuddle on the couch and read a book or watch a TV show...when you come crawling into our bed full of energy and ready to face the day...the hugs you spontaneously give me.
You are becoming such a gentleman...you hold your sister's hand while we walk to the car or cross the street...you help her into the van...you hold the door open (when it's not too heavy for you!
I know you hear Mommy and Daddy say this quite a bit, but we are so honored to have been chosen to be your parents. We are so proud of you and who you are becoming. We love you more than words could ever say. Happy 4th Birthday, Josiah Potter!!!