I can't
believe that we have a 3 year old!! Seriously, where has the time
gone!?!? Josiah has grown up so much over the last three years. He
has gone from a crying baby who just wanted to be held and to sleep and
to be fed to a sweet, smart boy who wants to grow up to be a man so he
can have a wife and a baby. He continues to be so sweet with Sophie--he
holds the door for her when we are leaving to go somewhere; he holds
her hand when we are walking through the parking lot or walking to our
car from our house; he goes and gives her a hug when she is hurt. With
the new baby, he reminds us to pray for Baby G to keep growing in
Mommy's belly. These are things that make my heart skip a beat because
he is learning how to be sensitive to those around him.
there times when I have a moment of sadness as I look at him and see how
much he has grown? Absolutely!!! But I wouldn't slow time down for
anything because I look forward to seeing how God is going to use Josiah
and how He is going to grow him into the young man He desires him to
Josiah Potter, we are so thankful that you are a part of
our family. We are so priveleged to be called your mom and dad. We
look forward to many more years of watching you grow. We love you very