Two years ago today, God blessed us with a sweet baby boy. Never in a million years would I have imagined how much this little boy would change my life. I'm so thankful that God chose us to be his parents. I find myself overwhelmed with emotion as I think about our Sweet Josiah. He brings so much joy to our family.
We had a fun time Saturday celebrating his second birthday with friends and family. We had his birthday party at our church and decorated with a jungle theme. It meant a lot to have our friends and family there who love Josiah so much. One thing that is hard about being in the ministry is the fact that we will more than likely never live down the street from any of our family. Our children will never have their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins in the same town. We have been blessed to have people who have adopted Josiah and Sophie as their grandchildren and nephew/niece. It means A LOT to Chris and I to see our children being loved on by others who truly do care about them.
So I've gone off on a little tangent...let's get back to the party. We had quite a few kids there and they LOVED that they could run around the sanctuary and throw balls. A few of the adults even got in on the fun!!!
I want to take a minute to reflect on all that our two year old can do.
*He can now run, feed himself, speaks words that we can understand, knows 12 shapes, knows all his colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, brown and black), can identify all of the letters when I ask him to point to them, can name almost all of his letters, can tell us that he is 2, can read 36 of his words from his reading program, he is eating the same things that we eat, loves to draw, loves to play with play dough, he loves to swim, loves his little sister and is so very gentle with her, loves to sing songs--especially, The Wheels on the Bus, he helps set the table, helps with the laundry, loves to help vacuum, helps put the dishes away, loves to help me cook, loves putting puzzles together and sleeps in a big boy bed.
I know there is a ton more that he can do, but these are just a few things that we've enjoyed watching him learn how to do over the last year. We look forward to watching him learn a whole bunch more things this coming year. Happy Birthday, Josiah!!! Remember, Mommy and Daddy love you very much and consider it a great honor to be your parents!