it's been quite a week. The Monday after Thanksgiving, Josiah had a
little bit of a stomach bug. Let's just say we were changing LOTS of
He was fine for a couple of days, then he started running a fever. We
saw that he had two new molars coming in, so we didn't think anything
about it. His fever went away and then a couple of days later, he broke
out in a rash. I took him to Immediate Care on Saturday and the doctor
there said he had measels--period. He told me that I needed to stay
away from him because of being pregnant. Chris was at a youth function,
so I called him crying. Being the wonderful husband that he is, he
left immediately to come him to care for Josiah. At this point there
was nothing we could do. We called my doctor's office and talked with
the doctor on call. She confirmed that I shouldn't be around Josiah.
Chris and I started reading in our baby books and on-line about
measels. Everything we read, didn't line up with the symptoms he had.
When we were reading, there was a possibility that it could be rubella.
Still putting me at risk. Monday morning came around, and we called
Josiah's ped and my doctor. We were both seen that day. After taking
Josiah to the ped, they said that worse case scenerio, he had
roseola--at this point his rash was gone, so they could only base it on
what we told them. They said with the quickness of the rash going away,
they felt it was probably a rash that was cased by the viral infection
he had. I went to the doctor that afternoon and told them what Josiah's
ped had said. They said that if he had roseola or a rash, then there
was no risk for me. They just told me to give them a call if I started a
fever or got any sign of a rash. Well, that afternoon when Josiah got
up from his nap---he was sleeping by the time I got home--I was ready to
give him a BIG hug! While we weren't allowed to be around each other, I
was able to get a lot of things done for Sophie. I finished getting
the items we needed for her. I made the curtains for her room. I was
able to wrap Christmas presents, finish Christmas shopping, etc. It
wasn't fun not being able to cuddle with Josiah and it broke my heart
when he saw me and wanted me to pick him up and I wasn't able.
the Greenwoods are all healthy again, and we are getting ready to
celebrate our Savior's birth in just a few more days. Our family will
be coming into town on Tuesday. Originally they weren't suppose to, but
Chris' granddad has been put into a hospice center. He is expected to
live anywhere from two days to two weeks. We've had a trying couple of
weeks with finding out the news of Chris' granddad, Josiah's sickness
and finding out one of my friends from NC who was due 3 days before me
died from a stroke. We are praising the LORD that her son, Ymir, is
fine. We have deep sympathy for the fact that he will never be embraced
by his mother. Even though we've had these trials, we still praise the
fact that God loves us enough to have sent His son. We have peace in
the fact that He knows EXACTLY how we feel when we are shaken by death
because He watched His son being tortured, die and then being separated
from Him because of our sin that Jesus was carrying. All I can say is,
"God is Good." Even if we don't see the good in the situation at hand,
we trust in the fact that there is a reason for these situations to
bring Him glory.
We pray that everyone's CHRISTmas season is
going well. That you are remembering the real reason for CHRISTmas--the
birth of our Savior!