Friday, August 28, 2009
14 months
Where has the time gone? I can't believe that Josiah is already 14 months! He continues to be the joy of our lives. We had a rough patch when we were in GA with sleeping, but we have gotten him back on his schedule. He would scream each night I put him down. My mom told me that my grandfather (who was a doctor) said a baby would never cry over 59 minutes. Well, Josiah blew that out of the water! The first night home, he screamed when we put him down. I was so thankful that Chris was here to help out. Since then, he has been fine and goes right down. I guess he just likes having his own bed or maybe it is having his Daddy around.
We took a trip to the Frying Pan Farm on Wednesday, and Josiah absolutely LOVED it! He loved seeing all the animals and hearing the sounds they made. He even loved riding on the tractor. When Chris took him off, he started crying.
He is eating much better now. We no longer have to give him crackers, cheerios or bread in between his bites. He still wants the smooth stuff, but I've been adding chunks of veggies and fruits. A couple of days ago, I started adding chicken chunks, and he seems to be doing well with that. He has mastered drinking out of a straw, but still has a sippy cup when he drinks his milk before nap/bed time.
Chris finishes his last day of teaching today. He is very excited about that. Next Sunday, the church will be voting to make him full time. He will continue with what he is doing now and will add the youth position. We are very thankful for this move to full time ministry because we all know part-time jobs aren't part-time. We will begin looking at places closer to the church and hope to be moved by the beginning of October. God has truly blessed the Greenwoods, and we are so thankful. We know that ministering to the youth will require him to be gone some nights out of the week, but with not teaching it gives him the flexibility to come rescue Mommy during lunch if she needs it once the baby is here.
Hope everyone is doing well. Come back next week and look at G2's website to see pictures and to find out what we are having!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Weight Check
We went back to the doctor for a weight check, and Josiah has gained some weight. He is now 20 pounds and back in the 10th percentile! So there will be no tests--Praise the Lord! I'm so glad that we didn't have to make that decision. In our hearts, we feel like nothing is wrong, but you can't ignore the "what if" that lingers in the back of your mind. We have changed how he eats. Instead of doing complete table food, we have add chunks of food to his baby food. This seems to be working, and he is eating pretty well. We will continue to try to transition him to food, but we have gotten it out of our mind that he HAS to eat table food. He has done everything else in his own timing so why would this be any different?
We go tomorrow to have a check-up for Baby G2. I always get a little anxious because I am always worried that we might not hear a heartbeat. I guess I will be worrying about this baby for the rest of my life along with Josiah, so why not start now?
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