Well, Josiah is officially 11 months. I can't believe he will be turning one in just a month. We took him to the doctor yesterday because he got his first cold and was going on day 17. We weren't concerned about him having a cold until he started getting a nasty cough whenever we laid him down and he was grabbing his ears. I guess Chris had some problems with his ears when he was younger, so Chris is sensitive to Josiah's ears. The doctor checked him out. His ears were clear and his lungs sounded fine. She told us to run a shower and let him sit in the steam before he goes to bed. She also told us to elevate his mattress and to suction his nose out really good throughout the day. I told her that I had been suctioning his nose so much that each time I bring him to the changing table he starts to cry. I thought about suctioning his nose in places that he shouldn't be---near the CD rack, the wires he is trying to chew, the Shark sweeper---but decided against it. That would be the easy way to discipline!
Let's see what else is going on with Josiah....Last night after Josiah had gone to bed, he started crying--not normal for him. Chris went to get him and all of a sudden I heard on the monitor, "Mommy, come here. Quick!" I got a little panicked thinking there was something wrong with him. When I got in there, Josiah was sitting up in his crib. He figured out how to sit up from lying down. He has done it 2 more times since then. Josiah has also started saying, "Momma!" and is working on "Dadda." He will say the "d" sound every once in awhile, but hasn't consistently put the "a" sound with it. He is also working on signing the word "dog." He will do it when we do it, but hasn't done it on his own yet. He is standing up more and more. Chris got Josiah to pull himself up on one of his toys the other day. Josiah likes to drop himself in your lap when he is standing up and you are sitting behind him. He will laugh and laugh when he does this. He still favors the army crawl, but is crawling on all fours a little more. He has also taken a few steps when we walk with him.
Chris and I are doing well. We will be heading to NC on June 10th for a week to see Papa T and Lin-Lin. Josiah will also be meeting his great-grandparents and great-aunt from TN for the first time. We are excited to take a four generation Potter picture. Chris will have about 3 weeks off before he starts summer classes. I was thinking of going to VT with my momto see my cousin and her new baby, but decided to stay in town and spend some time with Chris, while he has the time off. Hopefully, we will find some neat places to go visit with Josiah.
We can't believe that Josiah has been in our life for almost a year. We thank you for all the prayers that have been lifted up on his behalf. Please, keep them coming because I have a feeling the fun is just beginning!