Tuesday, December 30, 2008
6 months
We can't believe that Josiah is already a half a year old! Time sure does fly when you are having fun! We can't believe how much he has changed since he was born. The other day we got out the DVD of when he was born and coming home from the hospital and couldn't believe how tiny he was. He went to his 6 month check-up yesterday and, Josiah has grown 8 inches since he was born! We will be going back in about a month because his weight is between the 10% and 25% range. Where they come up with these numbers, we don't know, but we aren't overly concerned about the weight issue. We feel like Josiah is going to be like all the other Greenwood men--tall and skinny!
Josiah is learning more and more each day. He is beginning to sit up on his own--about 15 to 20 seconds! He is doing a great job eating in his high chair. We are trying to have him sit in it while we eat dinner, so when we go out to a restaurant he will be familiar with sitting in one for a longer period of time. He his drinking out of a sippy cup and sometimes even a regular cup. He became interested with drinking out of a cup on his own. One day, he kept grabbing at my water cup, so I put it in front of him. He leaned forward and put his mouth on it. He started grunting when he couldn't get anything, so I tipped the cup a little bit and he was in heaven! He continues to LOVE his bath time. He has learned how to really get his Daddy wet! Josiah arches his back and throws both legs down at the same time. One night he was doing such a great job that he got the wall outside of the bath tub wet along with the floor. Who knows, we might have the next Michael Phelps on our hands! He still likes going on his walks, and I hope to get back into our regular walking routine now that the holidays have passed.
We had a great Christmas. My (Sara) parents came up on Christmas Eve and stayed until the 29th. We went to the Christmas Eve service and our little family was picked to light the Christ candle for Advent. This was very special to me because one of my fondest memories as a child was lighting the Advent candles on our dinner table. This is a tradition that I hope to pass on to our children. Josiah got LOTS of clothes and a few toys for Christmas. The clothes are a great thing considering he continues to grow so quickly. I have a feeling we may be buying in the tall section as he gets older! Josiah also got a webcam, so he will be able to chat with family and friends. We will be using Skype for any of you who have a webcam.
Well, we hope you had a great Christmas and that your New Year will be filled with many blessings.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I've Rolled Over
Well, Josiah has finally learned how to roll over from his stomach to his back! On Tuesday, he rolled over two times all by himself! Yesterday, he didn't really want to which is OK. We want him to do things at his own pace. As I've told my students in the past, "We all learn how to ride a bike, read a book, jump rope at different times. It's OK that we don't all learn how to do something at the same time because that is what makes you you."
He is doing much better at sleeping at night. He sleeps anywhere from 8-9 hours! A couple of nights ago, he got up after 6 hours, but I think he must have been going through a growth spurt. I couldn't feed him enough that day! Lastnight, he slept for 13 hours and only got up once to eat. We won't call that normally yet! It was a nice treat, but Mommy and Daddy still didn't take advantage of that sleeping. How foolish are we!?!
We will start giving him cereal at the end of the month. I think he is getting ready to eat food. Lastnight, I was holding him while I was eating dinner. He was trying to put his hands in my plate. Chris said each time I lifted my fork of food, he would open his mouth.
We'll keep you posted on any new achievements the little one makes!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Almost 3 months
Well, I can't believe Josiah is almost 3 months old. Where has the time gone? The next few weeks are going to go by even faster. I finish working at EWE on Friday! Praise the Lord! God has finally released me to be a stay at home mom. On Sunday, Chris will drive us half way to Georgia. I will be spending 2 weeks in GA with my family before we make the big trip up to Virginia. Chris will start his position at the church on October 6th. He will start his ESL classes at the Christian school on October 14th. We can move into our apartment on October 11th. We have been waiting so long for this day to come and now everything seems to be moving so fast that we aren't capable of enjoying this time as much as we would like. Please continue to pray for us as we make these transitions--Chris going from a stay at home dad to having two part time positions. Sara going from a full time teacher to a stay at home mom. Josiah going from the comforts of the only home he has known to moving to "his home." It will be so nice to FINALLY have a nursery for him with a real crib!
Josiah has learned to do many new things over the last few weeks. He can roll on to his side. He smiles when he sees his Mommy and Daddy. He laughs at his toys. He has better control of his head. When we put him in his bed, he falls asleep on his own. We try to rock him, but he wants nothing to do with it. He wants the comfort of his own bed. He already knows what he wants and doesn't want and that included not wanting to take a bottle anymore! A week ago Wednesday, he stopped taking his bottle. I've been pumping milk for him while I am at work, and he will not drink it. Chris has been bringing him to work during my lunch and specials so I can feed him. Yesterday, we made some formula and put it in the bottle. He drank 3 oz. rather quickly. Chris is going to try my milk again to see if he is taking the bottle again or if he can really tell the difference between my milk and formula. With all the eating he has been doing, he is now 26 inches long and 12 1/2 lbs.! Three month pants fit him in the waist, but he needs six month pants to fit him in the legs! Josiah LOVES his bath time! He doesn't mind having water on his face, which is a good thing because we want him to like the pool. He is now riding in the stroller like a big boy--there are pictures in his album!
We will continue to post pictures and journal entries, but it might be a few weeks as we go through all these transitions.
We love you all and thanks for all the many prayers lifted on our behalf!
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3 months old |
Monday, July 28, 2008
One down, many more to go
Well, I am officially a month old today. Where has the time gone? I've been busy...eating, eating and more eating. Sometimes it's in the dark---according to Uncle Toadie! : ) I've been peeing in a lot in my diapers and Mommy or Daddy will change me. Then 5 minutes later I leave them a present. I've been busy meeting Mommy and Daddy's friends and being held by them. I've also enjoyed meeting my family. I've gotten my Mommy and Daddy a few times by peeing or pooping on them and then I've got to be changed. Daddy has been busy doing LOTS of laundry. He's still trying to figure out if Mommy or I have more laundry. I've gone to Atlanta for a memorial service for my Great Granddad Freddie. I've had lots of books read to me and enjoy listening to music during my wake time. I'm still trying to get used to liking tummy time. I've been to Charleston, SC to meet my Auntie Sue, Uncle Toadie and Cousin Tay-Tay. I'm learning how to "talk" with Mommy and Daddy. I'm beginning to "smile"--okay, so I've got a little gas or I'm having a good dream, but don't tell Mommy and Daddy. I lost my umbilical cord which meant I was ready for a real bath. Mimi gave me my first bottle. I had my feet pricked more times than I can count--okay, so I can't count very high--it still hurt!! I spent two days on a bilirubin blanket. I helped Mommy and Daddy celebrate their 6th anniversary! I went to church. I went to an aquarium and slept through it all. I've gone on a few lunch dates with Mommy and Daddy. I've gone to Daddy's work, which often led to Mommy doing some shopping. I've also gone to Mommy's work to meet the ladies in the front office. I've had LOTS of pictures taken of me---I know how Brittany Spears feels like! I visited Papa T at his work. I've talked with Papa and Mimi over the computer. I still fight Mommy and Daddy about going to sleep at night. I'm only a month old and my life has been pretty busy. I have a feeling it is going to continue to be busy because the next two weekends Mommy and Daddy are taking me to St. Matthews, SC and Reston, VA. Daddy is being interviewed for possible positions at these churches. Please say a prayer that Daddy gets a position, so my Mommy doesn't have to go back to work in a few weeks. I want to say thank you for all the prayers that have been said on my behalf. Mommy and Daddy keep saying that they are so thankful for me and how good of a baby I am. I'm going to keep trying to be a better sleeper, but until I get it worked out say some prayers for my Mommy and Daddy.
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